ZCMD Profile
Zhongchao Inc. is a prominent provider of healthcare information, education, and training services in China. Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Shanghai, the company focuses on delivering a comprehensive range of educational and training solutions aimed at enhancing healthcare knowledge and practice across the country.
The company operates a diverse suite of services through its online and onsite platforms. Zhongchao offers a variety of health information services, including clinical practice training, open classes on popular medical topics, interactive case studies, and academic conferences. Its educational offerings are designed to cater to different levels of expertise, with programs ranging from continuing education courses to short educational videos and articles. These resources are tailored to meet the needs of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and other medical staff.
In addition to its general educational content, Zhongchao provides customized medical courses and training services tailored to specific needs within the healthcare sector. The company’s online platform, mdmooc.org, operating under the MDMOOC brand, facilitates access to these resources. Zhongchao also manages Sunshine Health Forums, available through a WeChat subscription account and mobile app, which further extends its reach and engagement with healthcare professionals.
Zhongchao serves a broad audience, including enterprises, non-profit organizations, and medical journals, alongside individual healthcare professionals. By leveraging its digital platforms and educational content, the company aims to advance healthcare knowledge and support the professional development of healthcare workers throughout China.