Ashkon Software


TDSB - Cabana Target Drawdown 7 ETF

Expense Ratio: 0.83%

TDSB ETF Stock Chart

TDSB Profile

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The Cabana Target Drawdown 7 ETF is an actively managed exchange-traded fund designed to provide investors with a managed risk approach to investing. The fund aims to achieve its investment objective by minimizing volatility and reducing correlation with the broader equity markets. To achieve this, the ETF allocates its assets across five major asset classes: equities, fixed income securities, real estate, currencies, and commodities.

The funds strategy is guided by a target drawdown of 7%, which represents the maximum anticipated loss from the peak value of the fund's assets. This target is set to help manage and limit potential declines in the funds value, offering investors a more stable investment experience. However, it is important to note that the target drawdown is not guaranteed. Both the funds Adviser and Sub-Adviser do not make any assurances or guarantees that the target drawdown will be consistently maintained.

The ETFs asset allocation is actively managed, with the investment team making tactical adjustments to the fund's holdings in response to changing market conditions and risk factors. By diversifying across multiple asset classes, the fund seeks to balance potential returns with risk mitigation. This approach aims to provide investors with a more resilient investment strategy that can adapt to various market environments.

In summary, the Cabana Target Drawdown 7 ETF offers a risk-managed investment solution by targeting a specific drawdown level while diversifying across a broad range of asset classes. Its active management and focus on reducing volatility and correlation with equity markets make it a suitable choice for investors seeking to manage risk while participating in diverse market opportunities.


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