Ashkon Software


RVER Stock - Trenchless Fund ETF

Expense Ratio: 0.65%

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RVER Profile

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The Trenchless Fund ETF is an actively managed investment vehicle designed to seek capital appreciation through strategic investments in U.S.-listed equity securities. Managed by River1 Asset Management LLC, the fund aims to achieve returns that exceed those of the S&P 500 Index across various time horizons. The management team employs a rigorous selection process to identify securities with strong growth potential and higher-than-average prospects for outperformance relative to the benchmark.

The funds investable universe includes all equity securities listed on U.S. exchanges, providing a broad spectrum of investment opportunities. This wide scope allows the fund to target diverse sectors and industries, focusing on those companies deemed by River1 Asset Management LLC to have superior growth prospects. The active management approach entails continuous evaluation and adjustment of the portfolio to capitalize on market trends and emerging opportunities, aiming to enhance long-term capital gains.

Despite its broad investment universe, the Trenchless Fund ETF maintains a non-diversified portfolio structure. This strategic choice enables the fund to concentrate investments in securities that the management team believes will generate the highest returns, rather than spreading investments across a wide array of assets. This focused approach is intended to maximize potential gains by concentrating on high-conviction investments.

The funds objective is to outperform the S&P 500 Index by leveraging the expertise of River1 Asset Management LLC and its comprehensive research and analysis. By investing in a select group of U.S. equities with robust growth potential, the Trenchless Fund ETF seeks to deliver superior capital appreciation while managing risk through active oversight and strategic adjustments to the portfolio.


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