Ashkon Software


QQQT - Defiance Nasdaq 100 Income Target ETF

Expense Ratio: 1.05%

QQQT ETF Stock Chart

QQQT Profile

Defiance Nasdaq 100 Income Target ETF logo

The Defiance Nasdaq 100 Income Target ETF (QQQT) is a dynamic exchange-traded fund specializing in large-cap equity investments. Launched on June 20, 2024, QQQT is issued by Defiance, a leading provider of thematic and innovative investment strategies designed to meet evolving market demands.

QQQT sets itself apart through its actively managed approach focused on generating current annual income. The ETF employs a unique strategy of selling daily index call spreads on the Nasdaq 100, aiming to achieve a targeted annual income of 20%. This strategy leverages market volatility and investor sentiment to capture premium income while maintaining exposure to the potential growth of leading technology and innovation companies within the index.

Managed by Defiance, QQQT benefits from the firm's expertise in options trading and income generation strategies. The ETF's active management style allows for nimble adjustments to market conditions, enhancing the fund's ability to meet income targets while managing risk effectively.

Investors in QQQT gain access to Defiance's commitment to delivering innovative investment solutions that blend income generation with capital appreciation potential. The fund's launch underscores Defiance's proactive approach to addressing investor needs for yield in a low interest rate environment, positioning QQQT as a strategic component in diversified investment portfolios seeking to achieve both income objectives and long-term growth.


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