Ashkon Software


KNGS - Upholdings Compound Kings ETF

Expense Ratio: 0.6%

KNGS ETF Stock Chart

KNGS Profile

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The Upholdings Compound Kings ETF seeks to capitalize on growth opportunities by investing in securities that are expected to achieve higher compound annual growth rates than the S&P 500 Index over an extended investment horizon. The fund’s investment strategy is predicated on identifying and investing in companies with superior growth potential, focusing on those that demonstrate robust financial health and strong prospects for long-term value creation.

Under normal market conditions, the fund allocates at least 60% of its total net assets to equity securities of medium and large market capitalization companies. The primary focus is on firms based in the United States and China, with a significant portion of investments directed through Hong Kong-listed securities. This approach enables the fund to tap into high-growth opportunities in major markets, leveraging the dynamic economic environments in these regions.

In addition to its core focus on U.S. and Chinese equities, the fund also diversifies its holdings by investing in other international markets, including emerging markets. This global investment strategy allows the fund to benefit from growth trends across various regions and sectors, providing exposure to a broad spectrum of economic and market conditions. The emphasis on emerging markets further enhances the fund’s potential for capital appreciation by capturing growth in rapidly expanding economies.

The Upholdings Compound Kings ETF is a non-diversified fund, concentrating its investments in selected markets and sectors to achieve its growth objectives. Investors should consider the fund’s focus on high-growth equities and its international investment approach when evaluating its suitability for their portfolios. The fund’s concentrated investment strategy may lead to higher volatility compared to more diversified funds, but it aims to deliver superior long-term growth by targeting companies with exceptional compounding potential.


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