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FTFT - Future FinTech Group Inc.

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FTFT Profile

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Future FinTech Group Inc., headquartered in New York, New York, operates as a diversified technology and e-commerce company with a focus on integrating blockchain technology into various business sectors. Originally known as SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc., the company rebranded to Future FinTech Group Inc. in June 2017, reflecting its expanded business model beyond its initial fruit juice operations.

The company operates through four key segments: Shared Shopping Mall Membership Fee, Fruit Related Products, Sales of Goods, and Others. Its primary online platforms include Chain Cloud Mall (CCM) and NONOGIRL. CCM is a blockchain-based e-commerce platform that leverages real-name authentication to enhance transaction security and transparency, integrating advanced blockchain and internet technologies to offer a secure and efficient shopping experience. NONOGIRL, on the other hand, focuses on cross-border e-commerce, facilitating international trade through a digital platform designed to streamline cross-border transactions.

In addition to its e-commerce operations, Future FinTech Group is involved in several other business areas. The company engages in supply chain financing and trading of coal and aluminum ingots, providing financial solutions to streamline the supply chain for these commodities. It also offers financial technology services, including cryptocurrency market data and information services, which cater to the growing demand for digital financial solutions and insights. Furthermore, Future FinTech is involved in the application and development of blockchain technology, aiming to innovate and enhance financial technology solutions.

Through its diversified business model and strategic use of blockchain technology, Future FinTech Group Inc. is positioned to capitalize on emerging trends in e-commerce, financial technology, and digital asset management. The company's broad range of services and platforms reflects its commitment to leveraging technology to drive growth and innovation across multiple sectors.

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