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DJIA - Global X Dow 30 Covered Call ETF

Expense Ratio: 0.6%

DJIA ETF Stock Chart

DJIA Profile

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The Global X Dow 30 Covered Call ETF (DJIA) functions as an exchange-traded fund designed to employ a covered-call strategy focused on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). Launched on February 23, 2022, by Global X Funds, DJIA tracks the DJIA Cboe BuyWrite v2 Index, which implements a systematic approach to generating income by holding a theoretical portfolio of underlying DJIA stocks while simultaneously selling at-the-money call options on each position. This strategy aims to enhance returns by collecting premiums from option sales while maintaining exposure to potential capital appreciation from the underlying stocks.

DJIA's investment methodology is rooted in the covered-call strategy, which involves selling call options against stocks held in the portfolio. By leveraging this approach, the ETF seeks to capitalize on market volatility and option premium income, thereby potentially providing investors with a source of regular income in addition to potential capital gains. This dual benefit of income generation and equity participation makes DJIA an attractive option for investors seeking to balance income generation with equity market exposure.

Global X Funds manages DJIA with a focus on optimizing risk-adjusted returns through disciplined portfolio management and strategic options trading. The ETF's adoption of the DJIA Cboe BuyWrite v2 Index reflects Global X's commitment to offering innovative investment solutions that cater to income-oriented investors while managing the complexities of equity market volatility. DJIA's inclusion of covered-call strategies underscores its role as a specialized investment tool within Global X's broader suite of ETF offerings.

As part of Global X's comprehensive range of thematic and income-focused ETFs, DJIA exemplifies the firm's dedication to delivering diversified investment strategies aligned with varying investor objectives. With its launch, DJIA has positioned itself as a valuable component in income-focused portfolios, offering a structured approach to generating income from blue-chip stocks while potentially mitigating downside risk through its covered-call strategy.


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