Ashkon Software


CANQ - Calamos Alternative Nasdaq & Bond ETF

Expense Ratio: 0.9%

CANQ ETF Stock Chart

CANQ Profile

Calamos Alternative Nasdaq & Bond ETF logo

Calamos Alternative Nasdaq & Bond ETF (CANQ) provides investors with a unique investment strategy that combines exposure to the Nasdaq-100 Index with a diversified portfolio of fixed-income securities. Managed by Calamos Investments, CANQ aims to offer investors a balanced approach to growth and income generation. The ETF's strategy includes actively managed allocations across equity and fixed-income markets, seeking to capitalize on opportunities in both asset classes while managing risk through diversification.

CANQ's investment approach distinguishes itself by blending the growth potential of large-cap technology stocks within the Nasdaq-100 Index with the stability and income potential of a bond portfolio. This dual-focus strategy is designed to appeal to investors seeking to participate in the growth of technology-driven companies while also benefiting from the income stability of fixed-income securities. Managed by a team with expertise in both equity and fixed-income markets, CANQ aims to provide a comprehensive investment solution that adapts to changing market conditions.

Since its introduction, Calamos Alternative Nasdaq & Bond ETF has garnered attention for its innovative approach to portfolio construction, offering a diversified investment vehicle that combines the benefits of equity growth and fixed-income stability. The ETF's performance reflects its ability to navigate market dynamics effectively, making it a compelling choice for investors looking to diversify their portfolios with exposure to both tech-focused equities and bond securities under the management of Calamos Investments.


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