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AFIF - Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF

Expense Ratio: 1.09%

AFIF ETF Stock Chart

AFIF Profile

Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF logo

The Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF (AFIF) is an actively managed exchange-traded fund primarily investing in a broad spectrum of fixed income securities. Launched on September 18, 2018, AFIF aims to provide investors with a diversified global portfolio of fixed income instruments, seeking to deliver stable returns through strategic asset allocation and rigorous risk management. The fund's investment strategy encompasses a wide range of credit types, including government bonds, corporate debt, and emerging market securities, allowing it to adapt to varying market conditions.

AFIF's investment approach is rooted in a flexible, dynamic strategy that leverages both top-down macroeconomic analysis and bottom-up credit research. The fund's managers evaluate global economic trends, interest rate movements, and geopolitical factors to inform their asset allocation decisions. By diversifying across different fixed income sectors and geographies, AFIF aims to optimize returns while mitigating risks associated with individual market segments. The active management style allows for timely adjustments to the portfolio in response to market developments.

Anfield Capital Management, the issuer of AFIF, is a prominent investment firm renowned for its expertise in fixed income and multi-asset strategies. The firm’s philosophy emphasizes adaptability, thorough research, and a commitment to delivering consistent performance across market cycles. Anfield Capital Management's seasoned team of investment professionals employs a comprehensive analytical framework to identify attractive investment opportunities and construct resilient portfolios that can withstand economic uncertainties.

The Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF benefits from the firm's extensive experience and sophisticated investment techniques. The fund's ability to invest in a wide array of fixed income securities globally positions it to capture diverse income streams and manage interest rate and credit risks effectively. This strategic approach, combined with Anfield Capital Management's active oversight and robust risk management practices, makes AFIF an appealing choice for investors seeking a versatile and resilient fixed income investment solution.


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