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Bond - Stock Trading Glossary

A bond is a type of debt security where an investor lends money to a borrower, typically a company or government, for a specified period at a predetermined interest rate. The borrower commits to repaying the principal amount at the bond's maturity date, along with periodic interest payments throughout the bond's term.

Bonds are issued by various entities, including corporations, governments, and municipalities, as a method of raising capital. They are typically issued in large denominations, such as $1,000 or $5,000, but can also be sold in smaller denominations through mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Bonds can be traded on bond markets, with their prices and yields fluctuating based on supply and demand factors.

The interest rate on a bond, known as the coupon rate, is established at the time of issuance and is usually fixed for the bond's duration. However, some bonds have variable interest rates that change over time based on market conditions. Additionally, bonds can be callable or puttable, meaning the borrower or lender may have the option to buy back or sell the bond at certain times during its term.

Bonds are generally considered to be less risky than stocks, as they offer a fixed income stream and are less volatile in price. However, bonds are still subject to risks, such as interest rate risk, inflation risk, and credit risk. If interest rates rise, the value of existing bonds may fall, as investors demand higher yields to compensate for the increased risk of inflation. Additionally, if the borrower defaults on the bond, investors may lose some or all of their investment.

Despite the risks, bonds are a popular investment vehicle for investors seeking fixed income and capital preservation. They are often used in investment portfolios to diversify risk and provide a steady income stream, particularly for retirees or those nearing retirement. Bonds are classified based on the creditworthiness of the borrower and the length of time until maturity. Investment-grade bonds are issued by entities with a high credit rating and are considered to be less risky than non-investment grade or high-yield bonds, which are issued by entities with lower credit ratings and are connsidered to be more risky. The length of time until maturity can range from short-term bonds, which mature in less than two years, to long-term bonds, which can have maturities of 30 years or more.

Bonds also have different types of structures, such as convertible bonds, which can be converted into a predetermined number of shares of the issuing company's common stock at a specified price, and callable bonds, which can be redeemed by the issuer before the bond's maturity date.

Investors can buy bonds directly from the issuer or through a broker, and bonds can be held until maturity or sold on a secondary market before maturity. The price of a bond on the secondary market is determined by supply and demand factors and can fluctuate based on changes in interest rates or the creditworthiness of the issuer.

In sumary, bonds are a type of debt security that allows investors to lend money to a borrower, such as a corporation or government, in exchange for periodic interest payments and the return of the principal amount at maturity. They are less risky than stocks but are still subject to risks, such as interest rate risk and credit risk. Bonds can be classified based on creditworthiness, maturity, and structure, and can be purchased directly from the issuer or on a secondary market.


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